Saluki Marooned
Quotes From: Dr. Robert Von Reichmann MD

Quotes From: Dr. Robert Von Reichmann MD

Terrified, 58-year-old Peter Federson finds himself yanked out of the 21st century and back to his college days in the year 1971.


He soon finds himself in his old dorm room sitting at his mess of a desk...staring down at this book:

This guy

Here are some Von Reichmann quotes which are sprinkled around Saluki Marooned.

For instance, when you are in a college laundry-room and mistakenly pull this guys dry laundry out of a drier and replace it with your own, and he suddenly returns:

“The nervous person must understand that other people are entitled to have opinions that differ from yours.”


“When aggravated by someone, you must decide whether you will let yourself be annoyed.”

...M&#@^#@  F#@&er!!!!

“Laughter and anger go together like gasoline and water.”

That's it!  Give the ape another dime for the drier and he'll cremate his clothes!  Heh, heh.


A Von Reichmann  quote may also come in handy when  attempting to pass an algebra test that might result in flunking out of college and being drafted into the army.banishing-math-anxiety-cover-large

"The mind operates like a seat on an airliner; only one person can sit on it at a time.  Likewise, you can have only one thought at a time, so when you're nervous, substitute a good thought for a bad thought."

Then there is that seemingly impossible situation (such as being thrown  38-years into the past to operate an entire radio station by memory) and believing that it can't be done...

"Now, what button does what?"
"Now, what button does what?"

"The 'gut' feelings of nervous people are frequently faulty.  If you brains knows that your gut feeling is wrong, then act against it." 



A Von Reichmann quote also comes in handy during  the canoe trip with that special someone.

"Oh, now that was really smart!" she said, as the water boiled around her.


"When you lose control of your emotions, and an incident occurs, a withdrawal is made from your, 'Account of Good Will."  Such withdrawals are inevitably costly to you and the other person, and if continued may result in bankruptcy, in which case you will have lost a friend."





Dr. Von Reichmann looks a lot like him.
Dr. Von Reichmann looks a lot like him.






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